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Helping Hands




As Christians, the way we utilise our money is a great way for us to highlight to others how Jesus’ values are radically different from the world around us – both individually and as a church.

As a church, we want to ensure that our finances are managed in a way that honours God – that we are efficient, effective, full of integrity, transparent and that how the church spends the money reflects God’s concerns both locally and around the world.

We avoid charging for church events wherever we can, as we believe the Gospel should be free and accessible to all people. Those looking to give to the work of the church can do so via the online giving platform Stewardship which also enables us to claim back Gift Aid from the government on donations from UK tax payers where they have chosen to allow this. 

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Open hands holding a yellow flower
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Open hands with sand running through the fingers



It is important to remember that giving is not limited to the cash in our pockets! It’s a great privilege to also be able to serve God by giving of our time, skills and gifts, all in response to His giving up His most treasured Son, Jesus.

The church is made up of individuals from all walks of life who freely give of their spare time to aid the day to day running of the church services, activities and events.

Service is an important part of the Christian life and we would encourage all believer's everywhere to get involved with their local church community in sharing the gospel.

Find out more about getting involved here.

"Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9 v 7

If you’d like more information about ways to give,

please get in touch.

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118 Shefford Rd | Clifton | Shefford

Bedfordshire | SG17 5RF | UK

 © 2024 by Clifton Providence Baptist Church, UK

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